Thursday, September 11, 2008

Trying on Our Costumes

I love Halloween!! It is one of my all-time favorite Holidays next to Christmas. And yes, I know it's still a month and a half away...okay, maybe a little more.

I was surfing the internet looking for ideas for my witches costume when I found these costumes online. I couldn't believe they had them in toddler size and infants! They were not badly priced, so I got a bonus from work and ordered them online.

I got them in the mail yesterday and had to try them on the kids so that I knew whether or not they fit. If they didn't, I could return them and get them back in time for Trick-or-Treating. (ok, so maybe this is all just a ploy to cover my over excitement, but I think it's a pretty good cover). Anyway, they were so cute I couldn't resist getting pictures taken of my little Batman and Robin.

I was so surprised that Teague actually let us put the face mask on and then you could tell he thought it was so cool. He didn't touch it until we took it off of him and you could tell he just thought he was hot stuff. Aidan was throwing fits and so scared to put his costume on, and us being the mean parents made him put it on. It did help a little that Teague was in his costume first, because then Aidan wanted to participate. After we put it on him he kept asking if we were done. I guess I'll be letting him wear it a couple of times before Halloween just so that he can get used to it. Anyway, I'm just glad he was a good sport long enough to get these cute pictures.