Sunday, December 14, 2008

Building a Ginger Bread House

We have been trying really hard to follow the cute advent calendar that Nicole and I made for all the girls. Today we decided to make our gingerbread house.
Aidan was so excited once he figured out what we were doing. I don't know if he was eating the candy more than putting it on the house, but he decorated the whole back of the house all by himself after we were done with the candy. Right now he's really into being praised for his actions so every time he put a candy on the house he yelled "I did it!!" I'm so glad he had fun and hope we can make this a tradition he will remember in the future. Sorry, the pictures aren't really in order.


Nic said...

cute! Where did you get your gingerbread house?

Amy said...

Very cute!!!!! You are a good example!!! I should do that with my Ellie!!! That looks like alot of fun!