Monday, January 19, 2009

Sooo grateful

Ok, so it's really not a big deal. It wasn't extremely risky or anything, but my poor heart had a very difficult day. I am still praying constantly and thanking my Father in Heaven for everything going well. Aidan has recovered completely and doesn't even remember what happened.
Today Aidan had to be put under so he could have some dental work done. I even talked to Nicole because she did it with Malachi, and it was comforting to know that she cried when Malachi went under. However, there is nothing natural about how anesthesia works. They let me hold him while he went under...and I had an image in my head that he would just slowly doze off. Well, his eyes got this glazed far away look and didn't close all the way, and then he started making scarey noises trying to swallow and having a hard time. I knew mentally everthing that was happening was normal and okay, but emotionally I fell to pieces. It is so hard to see your children in the smallest bit of pain or confusion.
Well, they were just going to cap his teeth, but the dentist found out that Aidan had fallen and hit his two front teeth at some point in his childhood and he ended up killing the nerves, so unfortunately, they pulled both his front teeth. That was fine, and the work went just great. They brought him out to what they called the recovery room and we tried to wake him up. They wouldn't let him go until he could open his eyes and answer questions.
Well, after about 45 minutes of trying to wake him up and talk to him, they were starting to get a little annoyed, and one of the assistants starting being somewhat mean to him to get him to wake up. He cried for about 20 minutes before they could get him to open his eyes. So here I am, carrying him out in the cold to the car by myself (which was locke, I know I don't know how I managed either), and I am just bawling because he wouldn't quit crying. I started singing hymns to him and he finally started to calm down. To top it off, I was not able to put him in his car seat because his head would fall forward and cut off his air passage. So I had to drive clear from West Valley with Aidan lying down in the backseat without him buckled in...scarey!
Needless to say we got home okay, and the minute I brought Aidan into the house he started to wake up and the first thing he said was "Mommy, I want to watch Batman." As you can tell by the picture posted, he has recovered completely but the adrenaline is sill coursing throug my veins and I'm still anxious about everything that happened today. I'm just grateful that everything went as it should have been and although I hope I never have to go through anything like that again at least next time I'll know what to expect.


Amy said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that with your little Aiden!! I don't know how you held your sef together!!! You are so strong, I almost started to cry reading that post. I can't even imagine...

Amy said...

by the way I love the boys in their matching chruch outfits!! too cute!

Darcysmad said...

Thanks Ames. It really was scarey even though I know it wasn't a big deal.

Jen said...

Oh my! I had no idea he was having work done.

He just won't have teeth till his permanant ones? Or do they do bridgework for him?

Erin said...

Oh you poor thing. I am so sorry you had to go through all that! I am so glad everything is alright now. I can't imagine going through something like that. Even the seat belt thing would scare me too.