Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas time.

I love Christmas. For all the obvious reasons of course, but also for the not so obvious reasons. I love being in the kitchen making holiday goodies (for someone else of course ;). I love all of the opportunities to help out someone less fortunate. I try to do as much as I can...donating to the Salvation Army, the Food Bank, and we always try to do a secret santa.

I also love the fact that no matter how less fortunate you happen to be, there's always someone less fortunate for you and so everyone has an opportunity to give. I think people are better for the most part (although I don't see it at the stores; especially the day after Thanksgiving. LOL). I love teaching my kids about Christmas and the excitement of doing something new. Aidan was so excited when I got out all the Christmas tree stuff; he couldn't stop being in the middle of it to help.

I love feeling gratitude and being thankful for the things I've got now and for the blessings I've received throughout the year. I have a wonderful family, extended included. I've come to learn that every day is so precious and that I should be thankful for every minute with my kids (it makes me more patient). I'm grateful for friends and I think the longer you have a friend the more you love them. I love all five of my girls especially, I hope you know who you are.

I'll stop rambling, but I just wanted to express a little bit about how I feel about the Holiday and let everyone know how much I love them.